Oh! What a week it has been
For the second week running
My Country has a win !
A thousand cuts we’ve been bled with
Few Nero’s we’ve been led by
And a few bigots drifted us apart
But today I win
Oh! What a week it has been
My Country today again has a win!
The victory last caused so much cheer
As compatriots we rejoiced and let forth our heldback tears
But the victory today, all the more inspiring
As together we were David, fighting our own Goliath
Oh! What a week it has been
My Country today rejoices in a win!
Together we were, hand in hand, strength to strength
Where I come from wasn’t a question
Personal qualifications and intent were kept at bay
My brother next to me was just my brother today
We were one in vision, our struggles and hope was one
I’m truly delirious in this victory made all the more special
Cos my nation today rejoices as one!
Oh! What a week it has been
Cos for the second week running
My country has won!!